Monday, January 27, 2014

Beverly Hills Turns 100

Congratulations to Beverly Hills on turning 100 and what an unbelievable century it has been.
In fact, no other place has had such an impressive past as Beverly Hills.
While we celebrate the day and year with countless toasts and events, we must take the time to remember and honor all those who made our city what it is today.
Where would we be if Burton E. Green had not drilled for oil and found water instead?
Would so many celebrities today call Beverly Hills home if Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks had not built Pickfair on Summit Drive, thus paving the way for many of Hollywood's elite to relocate to this beautiful new city?
We must thank Will Rogers for his efforts and visions for Beverly Hills.
We must think of the many architects who designed our iconic buildings and attractions.
Honoring the past also means doing the same for the present.
We have to say thank you to Jon and Lili Bosse for their many efforts and donations that will ensure a better tomorrow for generations to come.
There are so many to name, but history will remember them all.
Yes, this is a special and proud time.
Enjoy the day, but remember that it truly belongs to everyone who is responsible for us to be able to call Beverly Hills home.

George Vreeland Hill